Dr. Chloe Lemelle is the Assistant Vice President of Workforce Diversity and leads the Engagement  Team within the broader Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion team at AT&T. In this role, Chloe and her team  are responsible for strengthening AT&T’s culture of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. Prior to  re-joining AT&T’s Human Resources department in 2022, Dr. Lemelle served as the Director of Cultural  Transformation within AT&T’s Customer Operations division and the Director of Ethical Culture in  AT&T’s Chief Compliance Office. In these roles, her team’s primary focus was on cultural evolution and  enhancement. Chloe joined AT&T in 2013, working on the Organizational Performance team in Human  Resources. Before AT&T, Chloe served as an Executive Consultant at a consulting firm now owned by  IBM and was responsible for executive-level assessment, selection, and coaching.  

Chloe’s areas of focus and expertise include:  

  • Inclusion & Belonging 
  • Organizational Culture 
  • Mental Health & Wellbeing 
  • Employee Engagement & Ethics 
  • Organizational Surveys and Focus Groups 
  • Leadership Assessment and Selection 
  • Individual Development and Coaching 

Chloe earned both a Ph.D. and M.S. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from the University of  Texas at Arlington (UTA) and a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Louisiana State University (LSU).  Chloe is a licensed psychologist in the state of Texas and an active member of the Society for Industrial  and Organizational Psychologists (SIOP). Dr. Lemelle also serves on UTA’s College of Science Advisory Council and on the Board of Directors for Dallas Dinner Table. Chloe’s most rewarding role, by far, is  that of mother to her two children: Bronx (8) and Boston (5).