Sharon Reynolds is the Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer of DevMar Enterprises, a nationally recognized name centered on unique product innovations. After a stellar 20-year career in the banking and real estate industries, Reynolds launched DevMar in 2007. Since its founding, DevMar Manufacturing and DevMar Global Healthcare Solutions were formed. Each of these companies was launched to address sanitation and health issues across all industries.

As a result, DevMar opted out of developing products that contain harsh or toxic chemicals that may harm the planet and consumers; and instead, chose to develop environmentally conscience solutions.

A market disrupter and change-maker, Reynolds has grown her companies to be leaders in pathogen remediation to sustain the planet for future generations with global impact while educating clients and suppliers on topics surrounding healthy workplace initiatives. In 2012, Reynolds was the first woman-owned company to secure a multi-year prime chemical contract with the Nashville International Airport in its 75-year history.

She was recently named a 2023 YWCA Academy for Women of Achievement, Nashville Business Journal’s Power 100, and recognized as the 2023 Advisory Council Chair of the Women Business Collaborative.

Reynolds earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management with a focus on Green & Sustainable Enterprise Management and later earned an Executive MBA from Tennessee State University. She pays tribute to numerous mentors for her success and has completed the Executive program at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth University and was inducted into the Sigma Nu Tau Entrepreneurship Honor Society, recognized for possessing high ethical standards exhibiting honor and integrity, and for demonstrating a strong entrepreneurial spirit.

As a way of giving back, Reynolds dedicates countless hours to empowering other minority and women-owned entrepreneurs through mentoring and service in various organizations that are committed to fostering diversity and inclusion, such as the Women Business Collaborative (WBC), the Women Business Enterprise National Council, and the Women Business Enterprise Council South (WBEC-South) where she serves as Board Directors for all three organizations.

She and her husband DeMarco Reynolds Sr. are proud parents of two adult sons, and grandparents to a confident and very clever granddaughter. Sharon is a 5th generation Nashville, TN native.