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YOU Need a Mentor; Here’s How To Find One

Career growth strategist of Getting to Clarity, LLC, Debbie Peterson discusses the importance of mentorship, what a mentor is, and how to find one to advance your business and/or career.

YOU Need a Mentor; Here’s How To Find One Read More »

Career growth strategist of Getting to Clarity, LLC, Debbie Peterson discusses the importance of mentorship, what a mentor is, and how to find one to advance your business and/or career.

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Women in the Workforce: Overcoming the 1st Female Recession

Healthcare leader and board of directors member of Reliant Bank, Connie McGee, reflects on the impact COVID has had on women in the workforce and how our movement can collaborate to overcome the first “female recession.”

Women in the Workforce: Overcoming the 1st Female Recession Read More »

Healthcare leader and board of directors member of Reliant Bank, Connie McGee, reflects on the impact COVID has had on women in the workforce and how our movement can collaborate to overcome the first “female recession.”

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Collaboration Report Update: March 2021

The Women Business Collaborative published its bi-annual Collaboration Report, detailing the ongoing progress towards the Nine Action Initiatives and their Accelerator Goals.

Collaboration Report Update: March 2021 Read More »

The Women Business Collaborative published its bi-annual Collaboration Report, detailing the ongoing progress towards the Nine Action Initiatives and their Accelerator Goals.

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Walk the Walk: A Call to Businesses for Concrete Action on Equal Pay

Executive Director of Equal Rights Advocates, Noreen Farrell, issues a call to action to businesses on Equal Pay Day 2021 to close the wage gap and reach pay parity.

Walk the Walk: A Call to Businesses for Concrete Action on Equal Pay Read More »

Executive Director of Equal Rights Advocates, Noreen Farrell, issues a call to action to businesses on Equal Pay Day 2021 to close the wage gap and reach pay parity.

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Women’s History Month – Is It Time for a Rebrand?

WBC Advisory Council Champion and previous Chief Marketing Officer of State Street, Hannah Grove, envisions a rebrand for Women’s History Month as we work towards parity in our movement.

Women’s History Month – Is It Time for a Rebrand? Read More »

WBC Advisory Council Champion and previous Chief Marketing Officer of State Street, Hannah Grove, envisions a rebrand for Women’s History Month as we work towards parity in our movement.

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Black History Month Highlight: Black Women in the Technology Workplace – Why Supportive Systems and Equal Pay Matter

President and CEO at Information Technology Senior Management Forum and WBC Board member, Viola Maxwell-Thompson analyzes the gender imbalance in the technology industry, with a further imbalance of women in color in the technology industry, and how we can facilitate progress and momentum to remedy the gaps.


Black History Month Highlight: Black Women in the Technology Workplace – Why Supportive Systems and Equal Pay Matter Read More »

President and CEO at Information Technology Senior Management Forum and WBC Board member, Viola Maxwell-Thompson analyzes the gender imbalance in the technology industry, with a further imbalance of women in color in the technology industry, and how we can facilitate progress and momentum to remedy the gaps.


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Action Initiative Highlight- Revisiting Women CEOs and Executive Leadership in 2021

Kimber Maderazzo, current WBC Advisory Council Champion and Chair of C200 revisits the progress women have made in advancing towards the C-Suite and into CEO leadership.

Action Initiative Highlight- Revisiting Women CEOs and Executive Leadership in 2021 Read More »

Kimber Maderazzo, current WBC Advisory Council Champion and Chair of C200 revisits the progress women have made in advancing towards the C-Suite and into CEO leadership.

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Gains in Gender and Diverse Leadership – Embracing 2021

WBC leadership reflects on the collaborative strides and accomplishments made in our movement in 2020, and the work that needs to be done entering 2021 and beyond.


Gains in Gender and Diverse Leadership – Embracing 2021 Read More »

WBC leadership reflects on the collaborative strides and accomplishments made in our movement in 2020, and the work that needs to be done entering 2021 and beyond.