Succession Planning & Leadership Development Services
Catalyst offers many options available across different content areas and leadership levels. Catalyst’s LEI (Leading for Equity & Inclusion) workshops help managers build inclusive workplaces. The MARC (Men Advocating Real Change) by Catalyst initiative includes a suite of learning programs , and immersive workshops, engaging men to leverage their unique opportunity and responsibility to be advocates for equity. Our research-based, experiential learning disrupts traditional DEI approaches to enhance gender partnership and accelerate the creation of inclusive workplaces across all levels of the organization.

DDI’s Interaction Management ® program is one of the most widely-used leadership development programs in the world for early career leaders. Interaction Management is available in several formats, including in-person classroom training, live virtual classroom, self-paced online courses, and short microcourses.
For mid-career leaders stepping up into higher-level positions, DDI’s Business Impact Leadership program helps them learn to translate business strategy from senior leaders into execution on the front lines. With Active learning, peer networking, self-assessment, and on-the-job application, Business Impact Leadership helps mid-level leaders effectively learn and apply new skills that deliver bottom-line impact. Business Impact Leadership is offered via in-person or virtual classroom sessions.

Ellevate Corporate Squads will support an identified group of employees who will collaborate, mentor, and support each other in career and leadership development. A dedicated Ellevate program manager will help your employees tap into a curated curriculum.
Corporate Squads provides a framework, resources, and proven methodology that will help your employees connect to one another, lead with empathy, and create the inclusive spaces needed to help them reach their potential. A minimum of 25 employees, mid-career level or above, are required to participate.

IT Senior Management Forum:
The IT Senior Management Forum (ITSMF) provides several consulting and training services in the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion space. Offerings for majority and minority leaders include Cultural Intelligence/Cultural Values and Unconscious Bias training. ITSMF’s trainer(s) and consultants are certified by the Cultural Intelligence Center. Learning sessions can be held virtually or in-person or groups can be enabled to take an e-learning Unconscious Bias course followed by a facilitated debrief/action planning session.
Other training offerings include Bystander Intervention training (how to intervene when harm is being done) and customized programs for organization to develop their leaders of color. The Leaders of Color Development Program is a series of high-powered training sessions that immerse rising leaders of color in the critical skills and techniques that make all the difference to his/her success as a leader. Workshops are interactive and designed for new and experienced supervisors, managers, and leaders who want to boost their management skills and propel themselves on the leadership track.

Network of Executive Women:
The Network of Executive Women has a portfolio of leadership development for each level of leadership.
We offer:
- Leadership Essentials – Targeted towards aspiring and new leaders
- Rising Stars – Targeted towards mid-level leaders with 3-6 years of leadership experience
- NEW Horizons – Targeted towards emerging executives at the Director and Sr. Director level (7-10 years of leadership experience)

External cohort-based classroom training for early career women, targeted at a mixed audience from a variety of companies.
ATHENA offers cohort sessions open enrollment with participant from many companies under the banner of “Becoming ATHENA”. This is which is 8-9 modules based on the ATHENA leadership model & 8 principles (Live authentically, learn constantly, advocate fiercely, act courageously, foster collaboration, build relationship, give back and celebrate).
The cohorts are 25 people. The sessions are tailored to the audience. Uniquely, the sessions are run from middle school to professional, with a typical audience being emerging to middle-level leaders. The program is available face-to-face or virtual delivery.
There is also a second, unique program called “Young Athena” targeted to (middle-school, high-school and college. This is run by ATHENA Leaders affiliates in a local community.
This program is structured similarly to our program for professionals, but instead, focuses on emerging leaders. This program is delivered either virtually or in-person to all levels of higher education, high schools, middle schools, or specific groups of students. The students are led through the ATHENA Leadership model curriculum exploring the eight principles of enlightened leadership. This curriculum offers the framework, philosophy, tools, and knowledge most impactful for their growth in becoming the leaders they aspire to be. It gives them the skills and support to not only be the change they wish to see in the world, but to lead the change they wish to see in the world.

Catalyst’s Lead for Equity and Inclusion workshops provide participants with a highly interactive learning experience that connects learners with the facilitator and each other throughout the session. The learning curriculum empowers leaders, from executives to frontline employees, with the critical knowledge and skills needed to build more inclusive workplaces, manage diverse teams, and serve diverse clients and customers. In each interactive workshop, learners examine their own assumptions and biases; analyze their own and others’ behaviors; and practice skills through engaging activities, insightful case studies, and practical self-assessment.

Ellevate provides five global programs, covering a wide range of career inflection points: Executive, Entrepreneur, Career Changers, Managers, and Rising Leaders – provide the support, advice, and clarity members need to cultivate career growth all year-round. All of our programs offer members a variety of community building and learning formats, including Roundtables, Workshops, Mentoring Meetups, and Squads. All of our programs provide members opportunities to get actionable advice, objective feedback, support, and accountability that’s needed to build a career where they can thrive.
Recurring Roundtables are included in each program and require an hour-long commitment to attend. Discussions take place either weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly depending on the series, and we provide members the flexibility to choose which events to attend. Roundtables provide members with a breakout room experience, where they discuss a specific topic with 3-5 other attendees.
Ellevate Squads is a 12-week, virtual leadership development program that connects small, diverse groups of women who are committed to growing as business leaders. The program offers participants an opportunity to connect with peers faced with similar challenges across a variety of business priorities, including effective communication, collaboration, management, and leadership. Ellevate Squads is included in our Managers program, which provides a safe space for new and seasoned people managers to learn from each other’s experiences in building and managing teams. Each Squad is comprised of 6-9 members representing a diverse group of companies.

IT Senior Management Forum:
The ITSMF Global Institute for Professional Development (GIPD) provides a portfolio of intense, results-oriented programs designed to prepare managers and executives of color for increased responsibility and additional contribution to their enterprise. Emphasis is placed on three aspects of development—professional, personal and political—dealing with each area as it specifically pertains to executive men and women of color.
Bringing together concepts of personal empowerment and commitment with the development of key technical and leadership skills and exposure to “real-life” learnings from the executive “playbook”, GIPD provides a life-changing, career-evolving experience.
Three (3) nine-month long Academies: Emerge (women of color, 35 participants); Management Academy (5-7 years in their career, middle level individuals, 50 participants) Executive Academy (3 moves/promotions to the C-suite; 20-25 participants). The time frame runs from August to June.

For early career women, we offer on demand, highly interactive learning focused on the hurdles to advancement that exist for women advancing in the workplace that Linkage uncovered from the 23+ years of collecting and analyzing data on gender equity.
- Advancing Women Leaders Essentials
- For Early Career Leaders:

Network of Executive Women:
Our partner, GKC (Grace Killelea Group) currently designs and delivers the NEW Horizons programs (available face-to-face or virtual delivery). NEW Horizons lifts Directors and Senior Directors to the next step of their career journeys. It makes for a perfect follow-up to NEW’s Rising Stars program, while offering unique benefits even to those brand new to NEW! The program teaches key skills, including delegation, executive presence, coaching and listening, and feedback. Facilitated small group sessions encourage connection and build a network of support, while the participant’s accountability partners reinforce reaching their goals. One-on-one coaching then layers the learning and strengthens individual growth.

Shambaugh Leadership:
include interactive virtual learning experience, practical tools, proprietary 360 assessment, six (6) virtual learning sessions over two to three months with one-on-one executive coaching integrated throughout the program, highly relevant curriculum, video, learner discussion guides, breakout rooms & discussion boards, and personal leadership strategy action plan.
Each offering includes research-based and rigorous curriculum offered through a dynamic and engaging online learning platform, taught by expert Shambaugh Leadership faculty. Our delivery and coaching team bring deep expertise and experience in leadership development that represent a diversity of backgrounds and expertise for wide range of audiences/ cultures. Each program offers group/ one on one coaching.

Watermark is a 501©3 educational nonprofit focused on giving women the tools, connections and training they need to advance in their careers. With strong roots in the technology industry and among pioneering female entrepreneurs, we offer a robust calendar of virtual professional development sessions, skills-training workshops and inspirational interviews. Corporate members have full access for their teams to all virtual events in keeping with our mission to make world-class leadership training widely accessible. In bi-monthly Leading with Inclusion Community Forums, DEI leaders, ERG leads and senior executives from multiple industries come together to share challenges, insights and best practices for creating more just and equitable workplaces. This peer-to-peer strategy supplements regular presentations and trainings by noted coaches and presenters on DEI topics, designed to help employees at all levels of an organization promote a culture of belonging.

WELD: Women for Economic and Leadership Development (WELD)
WELD provides a 6-month cohort-based leadership program for women and women of color who have not yet received their first promotion to management or were promoted to their first manager role within the past 12-18 months. The WELD Pathway to Management Program is offered in virtual format meeting one day per month as a group with pre- and post-work for each module. Assessments are performed to identify leadership types and self-awareness. Topics include emotional intelligence, diversity, equity and inclusion, communication, teaming, executive level functioning and social responsibility. For more information, contact WELD at

Executive coaching engagements
C200 has a similar program for entrepreneurs. The Protégé Program is possible through the generosity of C200 members who are committed to the ideals of the program and to the Protégés themselves. C200 Protégés find the program rewarding, fulfilling, and engaging. Expectations include:
- Attending all on-site meetings, mentor meetings, and webinars including; quarterly webinars, semi-annual in-person Learning Institutes, and quarterly meetings with C200 Mentors.
- Participating in ongoing learning outside of the formal program schedule, including an extensive reading list.
Implementing the program tools and best practices in their organization - Protégés contribute $2,500 annually ($5,000 total).

DDI offers two types of executive coaching to help executives find success in their current roles and prepare for new challenges and top-tier roles. For early executives, DDI’s Pressure Point Development coaching series helps them see around corners to avoid pitfalls in their roles and accelerate their impact. For executives at any level, DDI’s executive experts offer Executive Focus Coaching, which helps executives focus their development on key areas that have the highest impact based on top priorities for themselves, their role, and the business.

IT Senior Management Forum:
The ITSMF Global Institute for Professional Development (GIPD) provides a portfolio of intense, results-oriented programs designed to prepare managers and executives of color for increased responsibility and additional contribution to their enterprise. Emphasis is placed on three aspects of development—professional, personal and political—dealing with each area as it specifically pertains to executive men and women of color.
Bringing together concepts of personal empowerment and commitment with the development of key technical and leadership skills and exposure to “real-life” learnings from the executive “playbook”, GIPD provides a life-changing, career-evolving experience.
Emerge Academy: This nine-month program is designed specifically to help mid- to executive-level women of color make use of the Seek (who I am), Study (what I know), and Soar (who I become) framework, to hone authentic and conscious leadership.

Network of Executive Women:
The Network of Executive Women provides Executive Coaching as part of these programs: Rising Stars Program, NEW Horizons
Additionally, NEW maintains a roster of exceptional executive coaches and provides a matching service to coaches – email for more info. We also run mastermind groups that are facilitated by a group coach, but incorporate a small cohort of 6-8 women.

Shambaugh Leadership:
Shambaugh Leadership’s Executive Coaching —A Highly Customized and Results Focused Experience
Shambaugh Leadership offers world-class industry best practices and deep expertise in executive coaching that reaches director through executive level. Programs are customized and focus on real results that incorporate a researched-based coaching framework and methodology that align with companies’ leadership competencies.

Custom executive development programs for a cohort of high-potential women
Catalyst Advisory Services helps organizations create a DEI strategy that prioritizes the areas of greatest leverage for increasing the representation of women in your pipeline to leadership. We guide you in identifying specific gaps and levers for change through data collection, analysis, and synthesis. With a clear vision for change, we can help you build a precise strategy driven by outcomes that will accelerate your organization’s progress toward its goals for building a workplace with diversity, equity, and inclusion.

DDI’s Ignite Your Impact: Women in LeadershipSM series helps early and mid-career women tackle the unique challenges and barriers they encounter in their leadership careers. Topics focus on key issues such as declaring a leadership brand, building confidence, super-powering their networks, and more. Sessions can be offered onsite or in a virtual classroom.

For women in the C-Suite, rising SVPs, and successful business owners, Ellevate’s Executive programs are a space for getting advice and perspective from small groups of driven, intelligent, supportive peers who share specific challenges.
Our flexible, weekly Executive Roundtable is a space for senior leaders to make loose connections with peers. Hour-long, expert-facilitated, breakout-group discussions on relevant topics provide ongoing opportunities to set goals, get advice, and walk away with action steps.
Our high-commitment, twice-yearly Executive Squads program is an opportunity for senior leaders to build deeper connections for specific advice, accountability, and even support through a job search. Twelve 30-minute virtual meetings create dedicated space for prioritizing and progressing your future.

IT Senior Management Forum:
The ITSMF Global Institute for Professional Development (GIPD) provides a portfolio of intense, results-oriented programs designed to prepare managers and executives of color for increased responsibility and additional contribution to their enterprise. Emphasis is placed on three aspects of development—professional, personal and political—dealing with each area as it specifically pertains to executive men and women of color.
Bringing together concepts of personal empowerment and commitment with the development of key technical and leadership skills and exposure to “real-life” learnings from the executive “playbook”, GIPD provides a life-changing, career-evolving experience.

Emerge Academy:
This nine-month program is designed specifically to help mid- to executive-level women of color make use of the Seek (who I am), Study (what I know), and Soar (who I become) framework, to hone authentic and conscious leadership.
Shambaugh Leadership:
Our three-tier offerings include: Early Career: Onboarding – Development Program : Integrated learning framework that addresses early onboarding experiences and eLearning modules. This offering provides tools, practices, and mentoring for women early in their career to help them understand the “Organizational Dynamics for Success”, Framework for Navigating Work/Life, Mentorship, Development of Career Goals, Personal Brand, Networks and Practices for Navigating with Management and Corporate Culture. This offering also includes peer/ group coaching with learning/ discussion guides.
Mid-Career – Manager: Research-based content that offers a safe and cross collaborative learning environment that explores and creates actionable career plans that align with attendee’s core values, purpose, unique strengths, and career aspirations. This offering incorporates a blended and overtime learning approach that engages attendees in relevant curriculum to include but not limited to: Self-Awareness/ Growth Mindset, Personal Brand, Resiliency, Asking for What You Want, Engaging in Challenging Conversations, Professional Communications, and Techniques and Building Networks. Includes 6–8 eLearning modules, peer coaching, playbook for reinforcement and application of learnings, assessments, case scenarios, tools, and proven methods for championing one’s career and creating a path forward.
Hi Potential – Executive:An overtime intensive coaching and development experience for women ascending to senior leadership/executive levels. This 12-month blended learning approach includes bimonthly learning sessions and a series of one-on-one executive coaching throughout the entire program This in-house offering is known for expanding scope, enhancing key behaviors and strategies that prepare and accelerate the advancement of women on the executive path. Includes SHAMBAUGH’s 360 assessment (translated in multiple languages) baseline tools, real time simulations, case studies and final capstone. SHAMBAUGH provides follow on measurement–tracking for each program and the option for executive engagement/perspective that can be incorporated throughout the learning experience.

WELD provides a 6-month cohort-based leadership program for women and women of color who are in middle management and have not yet achieved an executive leadership position or have obtained their first executive position in the past 12-18 months. The WELD Pathway to Executive Leadership Program is offered in virtual format meeting one day per month as a group with pre- and post-work for each module. Assessments are performed to identify leadership types and self-awareness. Topics include vision & purpose, strategic planning & critical skills, diverse, equitable and inclusive culture, learning and development culture, executive presence and managing a P&L. For more information, contact WELD at

Programs focused on feedback skills necessary for career advancement
DDI’s leadership courses on feedback are proven to build leaders’ skills in giving both positive feedback and feedback for improvement. Based on DDI’s world-renowned STAR method, we help leaders practice giving the timely, balanced, and accurate feedback people need for growth.

Our Leading With Equity and Inclusion (LEI) workshops focus on addressing gender equity in the workplace, delivering equitable feedback, understanding biases, and sponsorship practices. Likewise MARC (Men Advocating Real Change) learning programs equips leaders and managers with the skills to infuse gender partnership into their approach to leadership, including courageous communication skills and decoupling performance feedback from gender biases and norms.

IT Senior Management Forum:
ITSMF Emerge Forum is a program designed for mid- and executive-level women leaders of color to support their progression as authentic, driven, knowledgeable, and conscious leaders. In conjunction with a 10-month academy, the Emerge Forum enable women to hear their voice and increase the representation of women of color at senior levels in technology with an eye toward the unique experiences women leaders of color have in the workplace.

Shambaugh Leadership:
Feedback is part of the inclusion work for Shambaugh Leadership. The session is targeted at leadership that cascades down on giving/receiving FB and creating a culture that is rich in feedback.

WELD hosts a variety of programs (depending on career level) that help women give and receive feedback and upon request, WELD will match interested parties with a member from its network of executive coaches.

Building leadership experiences outside of your company by partnering with non-profit and/or government organizations
Catalyst leads a global network of partners and friends committed to building a more equitable, inclusive, and fulfilling workplace for women. This community brings both local and global perspectives to the work we do at Catalyst, an essential element of achieving mission impact in a business world that is increasingly without borders.

WELD provides government boards and commissions governance certification through a 4.5 hour program that is offered 2-3 times per year. Topics include an overview of the types of government boards and commissions, codes of conduct, ethics, conflict of interest, rules for public meetings and the appointment process.

Help women learn the business by preparing them for P&L roles
ATHENAPowerLink® is a locally administered mentoring program that connects selected women business owners with a skilled advisory panel. Women entrepreneurs have benefited from the support of ATHENA Powerlink advisory boards in 32 communities with an average of 88% increase in sales, 38% increase in net income, and 56% increase in personal income.

Thought leadership and white papers focused on advancing women in business.
Catalyst research is the foundation of all our solutions for creating equitable workplaces. We examine today’s work environments and employees’ experiences in them. We track representation of women in corporate leadership and determine the root causes of gender gaps. We use fact-based, scientific methods to explore barriers and measure success. Whether you’re looking for numbers, ideas, or solutions, Catalyst has resources and knowledge on gender and inclusive leadership at work.

Ellevate is where change makers cultivate their voice, build bridges to understand and mobilize for impact by providing written action guides , white papers , playbooks, and other allyship-focused resources . We work with leading companies to help them retain, hire and improve diversity, equity and inclusion within their organizations. CEOs and Senior Leaders who are committed to equity, inclusion and diversity can access our Quarterly DEIB roundtables , as well as participate in individual board/leadership/ERG conversations.
Ellevate Corporate Squads will support an identified group of employees who will collaborate, mentor, and support each other in career and leadership development. A dedicated Ellevate program manager will help your employees tap into a curated curriculum.
Corporate Squads provides a framework, resources, and proven methodology that will help your employees connect to one another, lead with empathy, and create the inclusive spaces needed to help them reach their potential. A minimum of 25 employees, mid-career level or above, are required to participate.

IT Senior Management Forum:
The IT Senior Management Forum (ITSMF) provides several consulting and training services in the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion space. Offerings for majority and minority leaders include Cultural Intelligence/Cultural Values and Unconscious Bias training. ITSMF’s trainer(s) and consultants are certified by the Cultural Intelligence Center. Learning sessions can be held virtually or in-person or groups can be enabled to take an e-learning Unconscious Bias course followed by a facilitated debrief/action planning session.
Other training offerings include Bystander Intervention training (how to intervene when harm is being done) and customized programs for organization to develop their leaders of color. The Leaders of Color Development Program is a series of high-powered training sessions that immerse rising leaders of color in the critical skills and techniques that make all the difference to his/her success as a leader. Workshops are interactive and designed for new and experienced supervisors, managers, and leaders who want to boost their management skills and propel themselves on the leadership track.

Network of Executive Women:
The Network of Executive Women has a portfolio of leadership development for each level of leadership.
We offer:
- Leadership Essentials – Targeted towards aspiring and new leaders
- Rising Stars – Targeted towards mid-level leaders with 3-6 years of leadership experience
- NEW Horizons – Targeted towards emerging executives at the Director and Sr. Director level (7-10 years of leadership experience)

External cohort-based classroom training for early career women, targeted at a mixed audience from a variety of companies.
ATHENA offers cohort sessions open enrollment with participant from many companies under the banner of “Becoming ATHENA”. This is which is 8-9 modules based on the ATHENA leadership model & 8 principles (Live authentically, learn constantly, advocate fiercely, act courageously, foster collaboration, build relationship, give back and celebrate).
The cohorts are 25 people. The sessions are tailored to the audience. Uniquely, the sessions are run from middle school to professional, with a typical audience being emerging to middle-level leaders. The program is available face-to-face or virtual delivery.
There is also a second, unique program called “Young Athena” targeted to (middle-school, high-school and college. This is run by ATHENA Leaders affiliates in a local community.
This program is structured similarly to our program for professionals, but instead, focuses on emerging leaders. This program is delivered either virtually or in-person to all levels of higher education, high schools, middle schools, or specific groups of students. The students are led through the ATHENA Leadership model curriculum exploring the eight principles of enlightened leadership. This curriculum offers the framework, philosophy, tools, and knowledge most impactful for their growth in becoming the leaders they aspire to be. It gives them the skills and support to not only be the change they wish to see in the world, but to lead the change they wish to see in the world.

Catalyst’s Lead for Equity and Inclusion workshops provide participants with a highly interactive learning experience that connects learners with the facilitator and each other throughout the session. The learning curriculum empowers leaders, from executives to frontline employees, with the critical knowledge and skills needed to build more inclusive workplaces, manage diverse teams, and serve diverse clients and customers. In each interactive workshop, learners examine their own assumptions and biases; analyze their own and others’ behaviors; and practice skills through engaging activities, insightful case studies, and practical self-assessment.

Ellevate provides five global programs, covering a wide range of career inflection points: Executive, Entrepreneur, Career Changers, Managers, and Rising Leaders – provide the support, advice, and clarity members need to cultivate career growth all year-round. All of our programs offer members a variety of community building and learning formats, including Roundtables, Workshops, Mentoring Meetups, and Squads. All of our programs provide members opportunities to get actionable advice, objective feedback, support, and accountability that’s needed to build a career where they can thrive.
Recurring Roundtables are included in each program and require an hour-long commitment to attend. Discussions take place either weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly depending on the series, and we provide members the flexibility to choose which events to attend. Roundtables provide members with a breakout room experience, where they discuss a specific topic with 3-5 other attendees.
Ellevate Squads is a 12-week, virtual leadership development program that connects small, diverse groups of women who are committed to growing as business leaders. The program offers participants an opportunity to connect with peers faced with similar challenges across a variety of business priorities, including effective communication, collaboration, management, and leadership. Ellevate Squads is included in our Managers program, which provides a safe space for new and seasoned people managers to learn from each other’s experiences in building and managing teams. Each Squad is comprised of 6-9 members representing a diverse group of companies.

IT Senior Management Forum:
The ITSMF Global Institute for Professional Development (GIPD) provides a portfolio of intense, results-oriented programs designed to prepare managers and executives of color for increased responsibility and additional contribution to their enterprise. Emphasis is placed on three aspects of development—professional, personal and political—dealing with each area as it specifically pertains to executive men and women of color.
Bringing together concepts of personal empowerment and commitment with the development of key technical and leadership skills and exposure to “real-life” learnings from the executive “playbook”, GIPD provides a life-changing, career-evolving experience.
Three (3) nine-month long Academies: Emerge (women of color, 35 participants); Management Academy (5-7 years in their career, middle level individuals, 50 participants) Executive Academy (3 moves/promotions to the C-suite; 20-25 participants). The time frame runs from August to June.

Network of Executive Women:
Our partner, GKC (Grace Killelea Group) currently designs and delivers the NEW Horizons programs (available face-to-face or virtual delivery). NEW Horizons lifts Directors and Senior Directors to the next step of their career journeys. It makes for a perfect follow-up to NEW’s Rising Stars program, while offering unique benefits even to those brand new to NEW! The program teaches key skills, including delegation, executive presence, coaching and listening, and feedback. Facilitated small group sessions encourage connection and build a network of support, while the participant’s accountability partners reinforce reaching their goals. One-on-one coaching then layers the learning and strengthens individual growth.

Shambaugh Leadership:
include interactive virtual learning experience, practical tools, proprietary 360 assessment, six (6) virtual learning sessions over two to three months with one-on-one executive coaching integrated throughout the program, highly relevant curriculum, video, learner discussion guides, breakout rooms & discussion boards, and personal leadership strategy action plan.
Each offering includes research-based and rigorous curriculum offered through a dynamic and engaging online learning platform, taught by expert Shambaugh Leadership faculty. Our delivery and coaching team bring deep expertise and experience in leadership development that represent a diversity of backgrounds and expertise for wide range of audiences/ cultures. Each program offers group/ one on one coaching.

Watermark is a 501©3 educational nonprofit focused on giving women the tools, connections and training they need to advance in their careers. With strong roots in the technology industry and among pioneering female entrepreneurs, we offer a robust calendar of virtual professional development sessions, skills-training workshops and inspirational interviews. Corporate members have full access for their teams to all virtual events in keeping with our mission to make world-class leadership training widely accessible. In bi-monthly Leading with Inclusion Community Forums, DEI leaders, ERG leads and senior executives from multiple industries come together to share challenges, insights and best practices for creating more just and equitable workplaces. This peer-to-peer strategy supplements regular presentations and trainings by noted coaches and presenters on DEI topics, designed to help employees at all levels of an organization promote a culture of belonging.

WELD: Women for Economic and Leadership Development (WELD)
WELD provides a 6-month cohort-based leadership program for women and women of color who have not yet received their first promotion to management or were promoted to their first manager role within the past 12-18 months. The WELD Pathway to Management Program is offered in virtual format meeting one day per month as a group with pre- and post-work for each module. Assessments are performed to identify leadership types and self-awareness. Topics include emotional intelligence, diversity, equity and inclusion, communication, teaming, executive level functioning and social responsibility. For more information, contact WELD at

C200 has a similar program for entrepreneurs. The Protégé Program is possible through the generosity of C200 members who are committed to the ideals of the program and to the Protégés themselves. C200 Protégés find the program rewarding, fulfilling, and engaging. Expectations include:
- Attending all on-site meetings, mentor meetings, and webinars including; quarterly webinars, semi-annual in-person Learning Institutes, and quarterly meetings with C200 Mentors.
- Participating in ongoing learning outside of the formal program schedule, including an extensive reading list.
Implementing the program tools and best practices in their organization - Protégés contribute $2,500 annually ($5,000 total).

DDI offers two types of executive coaching to help executives find success in their current roles and prepare for new challenges and top-tier roles. For early executives, DDI’s Pressure Point Development coaching series helps them see around corners to avoid pitfalls in their roles and accelerate their impact. For executives at any level, DDI’s executive experts offer Executive Focus Coaching, which helps executives focus their development on key areas that have the highest impact based on top priorities for themselves, their role, and the business.

IT Senior Management Forum:
The ITSMF Global Institute for Professional Development (GIPD) provides a portfolio of intense, results-oriented programs designed to prepare managers and executives of color for increased responsibility and additional contribution to their enterprise. Emphasis is placed on three aspects of development—professional, personal and political—dealing with each area as it specifically pertains to executive men and women of color.
Bringing together concepts of personal empowerment and commitment with the development of key technical and leadership skills and exposure to “real-life” learnings from the executive “playbook”, GIPD provides a life-changing, career-evolving experience.
Emerge Academy: This nine-month program is designed specifically to help mid- to executive-level women of color make use of the Seek (who I am), Study (what I know), and Soar (who I become) framework, to hone authentic and conscious leadership.

Network of Executive Women:
The Network of Executive Women provides Executive Coaching as part of these programs: Rising Stars Program, NEW Horizons
Additionally, NEW maintains a roster of exceptional executive coaches and provides a matching service to coaches – email for more info. We also run mastermind groups that are facilitated by a group coach, but incorporate a small cohort of 6-8 women.

Shambaugh Leadership:
Shambaugh Leadership’s Executive Coaching —A Highly Customized and Results-Focused Experience
Shambaugh Leadership offers world-class industry best practices and deep expertise in executive coaching that reaches director through executive level. Programs are customized and focus on real results that incorporate a researched-based coaching framework and methodology that align with companies’ leadership competencies.

Catalyst Advisory Services helps organizations create a DEI strategy that prioritizes the areas of greatest leverage for increasing the representation of women in your pipeline to leadership. We guide you in identifying specific gaps and levers for change through data collection, analysis, and synthesis. With a clear vision for change, we can help you build a precise strategy driven by outcomes that will accelerate your organization’s progress toward its goals for building a workplace with diversity, equity, and inclusion.
DDI’s Ignite Your Impact: Women in LeadershipSM series helps early and mid-career women tackle the unique challenges and barriers they encounter in their leadership careers. Topics focus on key issues such as declaring a leadership brand, building confidence, super-powering their networks, and more. Sessions can be offered onsite or in a virtual classroom.
For women in the C-Suite, rising SVPs, and successful business owners, Ellevate’s Executive programs are a space for getting advice and perspective from small groups of driven, intelligent, supportive peers who share specific challenges.
Our flexible, weekly Executive Roundtable is a space for senior leaders to make loose connections with peers. Hour-long, expert-facilitated, breakout-group discussions on relevant topics provide ongoing opportunities to set goals, get advice, and walk away with action steps.
Our high-commitment, twice-yearly Executive Squads program is an opportunity for senior leaders to build deeper connections for specific advice, accountability, and even support through a job search. Twelve 30-minute virtual meetings create dedicated space for prioritizing and progressing your future.
IT Senior Management Forum:
The ITSMF Global Institute for Professional Development (GIPD) provides a portfolio of intense, results-oriented programs designed to prepare managers and executives of color for increased responsibility and additional contribution to their enterprise. Emphasis is placed on three aspects of development—professional, personal and political—dealing with each area as it specifically pertains to executive men and women of color.
Bringing together concepts of personal empowerment and commitment with the development of key technical and leadership skills and exposure to “real-life” learnings from the executive “playbook”, GIPD provides a life-changing, career-evolving experience.
Emerge Academy: This nine-month program is designed specifically to help mid- to executive-level women of color make use of the Seek (who I am), Study (what I know), and Soar (who I become) framework, to hone authentic and conscious leadership.
Shambaugh Leadership:
Customized Leadership Programs for Women -Our three tier offerings include: Early Career: Onboarding – Development Program : Integrated learning framework that addresses early onboarding experiences and eLearning modules. This offering provides tools, practices, and mentoring for women early in their career to help them understand the “Organizational Dynamics for Success”, Framework for Navigating Work/Life, Mentorship, Development of Career Goals, Personal Brand, Networks and Practices for Navigating with Management and Corporate Culture. This offering also includes peer/ group coaching with learning/ discussion guides.
Mid-Career – Manager: Research-based content that offers a safe and cross collaborative learning environment that explores and creates actionable career plans that align with attendee’s core values, purpose, unique strengths, and career aspirations. This offering incorporates a blended and overtime learning approach that engages attendees in relevant curriculum to include but not limited to: Self-Awareness/ Growth Mindset, Personal Brand, Resiliency, Asking for What You Want, Engaging in Challenging Conversations, Professional Communications, and Techniques and Building Networks. Includes 6–8 eLearning modules, peer coaching, playbook for reinforcement and application of learnings, assessments, case scenarios, tools, and proven methods for championing one’s career and creating a path forward.
Hi Potential – Executive:An overtime intensive coaching and development experience for women ascending to senior leadership/executive levels. This 12-month blended learning approach includes bimonthly learning sessions and a series of one-on-one executive coaching throughout the entire program This in-house offering is known for expanding scope, enhancing key behaviors and strategies that prepare and accelerate the advancement of women on the executive path. Includes SHAMBAUGH’s 360 assessment (translated in multiple languages) baseline tools, real time simulations, case studies and final capstone. SHAMBAUGH provides follow on measurement–tracking for each program and the option for executive engagement/perspective that can be incorporated throughout the learning experience.
WELD provides a 6-month cohort-based leadership program for women and women of color who are in middle management and have not yet achieved an executive leadership position or have obtained their first executive position in the past 12-18 months. The WELD Pathway to Executive Leadership Program is offered in virtual format meeting one day per month as a group with pre- and post-work for each module. Assessments are performed to identify leadership types and self-awareness. Topics include vision & purpose, strategic planning & critical skills, diverse, equitable and inclusive culture, learning and development culture, executive presence and managing a P&L. For more information, contact WELD at
DDI’s leadership courses on feedback are proven to build leaders’ skills in giving both positive feedback and feedback for improvement. Based on DDI’s world-renowned STAR method, we help leaders practice giving the timely, balanced, and accurate feedback people need for growth.
Our Leading With Equity and Inclusion (LEI) workshops focus on addressing gender equity in the workplace, delivering equitable feedback, understanding biases, and sponsorship practices. Likewise MARC (Men Advocating Real Change) learning programs equips leaders and managers with the skills to infuse gender partnership into their approach to leadership, including courageous communication skills and decoupling performance feedback from gender biases and norms.
IT Senior Management Forum:
ITSMF Emerge Forum is a program designed for mid- and executive-level women leaders of color to support their progression as authentic, driven, knowledgeable, and conscious leaders. In conjunction with a 10-month academy, the Emerge Forum enable women to hear their voice and increase the representation of women of color at senior levels in technology with an eye toward the unique experiences women leaders of color have in the workplace.
Shambaugh Leadership:
Feedback is part of the inclusion work for Shambaugh Leadership. The session is targeted at leadership that cascades down on giving/receiving FB and creating a culture that is rich in feedback.
WELD hosts a variety of programs (depending on career level) that help women give and receive feedback and upon request, WELD will match interested parties with a member from its network of executive coaches.
Building leadership experiences outside of your company by partnering with non-profit and/or government organizations
Catalyst leads a global network of partners and friends committed to building a more equitable, inclusive, and fulfilling workplace for women. This community brings both local and global perspectives to the work we do at Catalyst, an essential element of achieving mission impact in a business world that is increasingly without borders.
WELD provides government boards and commissions governance certification through a 4.5 hour program that is offered 2-3 times per year. Topics include an overview of the types of government boards and commissions, codes of conduct, ethics, conflict of interest, rules for public meetings and the appointment process.
ATHENAPowerLink® is a locally administered mentoring program that connects selected women business owners with a skilled advisory panel. Women entrepreneurs have benefited from the support of ATHENA Powerlink advisory boards in 32 communities with an average of 88% increase in sales, 38% increase in net income, and 56% increase in personal income.
Catalyst research is the foundation of all our solutions for creating equitable workplaces. We examine today’s work environments and employees’ experiences in them. We track representation of women in corporate leadership and determine the root causes of gender gaps. We use fact-based, scientific methods to explore barriers and measure success. Whether you’re looking for numbers, ideas, or solutions, Catalyst has resources and knowledge on gender and inclusive leadership at work.
Ellevate is where change makers cultivate their voice, build bridges to understand and mobilize for impact by providing written action guides , white papers , playbooks, and other allyship-focused resources . We work with leading companies to help them retain, hire and improve diversity, equity and inclusion within their organizations. CEOs and Senior Leaders who are committed to equity, inclusion and diversity can access our Quarterly DEIB roundtables , as well as participate in individual board/leadership/ERG conversations.