Elsie Qian

Apex Logistics International

Elsie Qian first learned about the critical role logistics plays at a China-based trading company. “That was where I learned the importance of supply chain in international trade and what customers need from logistics organizations—including their obstacles and deepest pain points,” recalls Apex Logistics International CEO Americas, Elsie Qian. Two years later, Qian joined a leading Freight forwarder, serving in different positions—from operations; to customer service; to customs clearance; and eventually gateway management. She quickly advanced in her career. Qian’s broad experience propelled her forward as a leader with a comprehensive understanding of the supply chain and the challenges businesses face every day.

“Only a robust knowledge of your clients and a deep appreciation for providing their desired business outcomes can empower a remarkable, best-in-class service experience. Today, I’m proud that Apex has proven itself as one of the top freight forwarders worldwide.”
In 2003, Qian helped to establish the first Apex branch in North America in Los Angeles. Now, nearly two decades later, she has driven accelerated growth across the Apex global network, product offerings, and infrastructure—boasting a vast international client portfolio. “We started small, dedicating Apex to the big challenges businesses were facing on the ground to navigate a smarter path to customers,” Qian says.