An Unprecedented Analysis of Women C-Suite Tech Leaders in Major Corporations

As shown across C-Suite disciplines, diverse perspectives are critical to business performance and cutting-edge strategic planning. This growing need for equity and diversity at the C-Suite level calls for new and improved pathways for tech talented women. Zeroing in on the specifics of these roles, on pathways to reaching them, and on effective solutions is the driving force behind Women Corporate Tech Executives in America report.

Especially crucial in this environment of burgeoning technology is the need at the C-Suite level for high-powered tech leaders, with special emphasis on increased representation by techsavvy women. As shown across C-Suite disciplines, diverse perspectives are critical to business performance and cutting-edge strategic planning. This growing need for equity and diversity at the C-Suite level calls for new and improved tech pathways for talented women. Zeroing in on the specifics of these roles, on pathways to reaching them, and on effective solutions is the driving force behind Women Corporate Tech Executives in America, a new ground-breaking report from the Women Business Collaborative (WBC). Read More

“Tech is the great equalizer of the 21st Century”

– Shelly Kapoor Collins,

The Time is Now for Tech-Savvy Leadership in the C-Suite and Beyond

Having a tech-savvy board, in addition to a tech-savvy C-Suite, helps to facilitate a common language between the board and management, helping drive more productive engagement and improved company performance, write Kristi Lamar and Anjali Shaikh from Deloitte Consulting. Read more

wcte 2022 methodology data sources

Raji Arasu


Deborah Wheeler

Delta Air Lines

Christine A. Leahy

CDW Corporation

Leila Zhang

Yum China Holdings