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WBC Founder and CEO, Edie Fraser wrote a piece about Racial Justice, Equality and Action in the Summer Issue of CEO Forum Magazine

"CEO public condemnation of racism has been at the bare minimum – until now. CEOs as accountable leaders are embracing activism for racial justice in their companies and communities and making action commitments. CEOs in response to the death of George Floyd, faced with the reality of racial inequality, acknowledge that the deeply rooted issues of racism must be addressed.

Historically, the private sector may have contributed to systemic inequality, failing to hire and promote black men and women within their own companies, especially in the C-Suite and board rooms; now they are tearing down prejudices and working to support talent and communities in need. Among the widespread support for racial justice from the top CEOs, there is a growing consensus that more must be done now.

Responsible CEOs know delivering results is more than sales and profits. Action makes the bottom line better and the workforce and customers proud. CEOs expect brands to equate equity value and racial pride."

Read the full piece on page 118 here.
