
This morning, I woke up to my daughter’s little footsteps padding down the hall. Her sleepy eyes met mine as she asked, “Why do you have to go? You’re not a worker, you’re a mom.” Her words caught me off guard. For a moment, I wasn’t sure how to answer. How do you explain to a child that you can be both? That being a mom doesn’t stop me from making a difference, from working for something bigger than myself.

So, I sat with her and said, “Sweetheart, I am a mom. And I will always be your mom. But that doesn’t mean I can’t help change the world.”

As I prepare to join the Walk to Wall Street, I’m thinking about the balance so many of us working moms face every day. The push and pull between being present for our children and the desire to create a better world for them—both as moms and as professionals. I’ve always believed that we can do both, but sometimes, that belief is tested in those small moments with our kids.

Why DE&I Matters to Moms

When I look at the work we’re doing for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I), I see how crucial it is for so many groups—but especially for women, and even more so for mothers. DE&I isn’t just a corporate policy or an abstract idea; it’s about creating space for real lives and experiences to thrive.

My life changed in 2016 with the birth of my first child. It was a profound moment that shifted my perspective on everything. Suddenly, I wasn’t just thinking about my own career path but also the kind of world I wanted my children to grow up in. As a working mom, I quickly realized that navigating the workplace required more support, understanding, and flexibility than ever before. And DE&I is at the core of creating that environment—not just for me, but for women everywhere.

On top of that, we face the challenges of the motherhood tax—the reality that mothers, often balancing multiple roles at home and work, are penalized financially. Many of us take career breaks to care for our families, lose out on promotions or raises, or have lower earnings than our male counterparts or women without children. This “tax” doesn’t just impact our paychecks; it impacts our retirement, savings, and ultimately our futures. It’s why DE&I is so crucial—because fair treatment in the workplace can help eliminate these gaps and ensure that mothers aren’t punished for their essential role in society.

DE&I allows us to bring our whole selves to work. As a mom, I know firsthand how vital it is to work in a place that values those perspectives. Mothers can uniquely juggle the complex, the unexpected, and the deeply emotional. These qualities are invaluable in any work environment, and companies embracing this diversity are stronger and more resilient.

Walking for Change—For Us, For Our Children

I’m incredibly fortunate to work at an organization like the Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility (HACR), where diversity is more than just a value—it’s a mission. My boss, Cid Wilson, champions inclusion within our team and across Corporate America. He understands that true inclusion means embracing everyone’s unique experiences, and that’s part of why this Walk to Wall Street is so important.

We’re walking for diversity, equity, and inclusion to ensure companies remain committed to these principles. We’re walking to remind Corporate America that these values aren’t just “nice-to-haves”—they’re essential to building better businesses, better communities, and a better world.

In just 6 days, we’ll kick off the Walk to Wall Street on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. This journey will take us through key neighborhoods and cities—Baltimore, Wilmington, Philadelphia, Trenton, Newark, Washington Heights/Harlem, and finally, historic Bowling Green in the heart of the financial district in New York. Along the way, we’ll raise our voices for all the underrepresented groups, women, moms, and everyone who believes inclusion is the way forward.

To All the Moms Out There

I’m walking for my daughter, and I’m walking for every mom who knows the constant balancing act between family and career. I know it’s not easy. But I also know it’s possible to be both—a loving, present mom and a woman determined to change the world.

If you can, join us for a mile or two. Walk with us in D.C. or anywhere along the way. If you can’t walk, spread the word, share our mission, and show your support. Every step we take together gets us closer to a more inclusive future.

To all the moms reading this—you’re already changing the world. Keep going.

With hope and strength,


  • Vanessa Bowling Ajavon

    Vannessa Bowling Ajavon manages Executive Programs and Events at the Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility (HACR) with over 20 years of administrative and operations experience.

    View all posts Vice President of Executive Programs, Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility