Rethink 2024

Andrea Bowens-Jones, Ph.D.

Dr. Andrea Bowens-Jones, a polymer chemist by training, is a former Procter & Gamble (P&G) R&D Section Head (Director). She has managed multi–discipline teams of scientists and engineers to drive technology, formulation, and process development for top personal care brands such as Secret, Old Spice, and Gillette. While at P&G, she developed the Resident Scholar Program (RSP), a unique job-shadowing program for minority youth interested in careers in STEM. RSP has impacted hundreds of minority students who credit their decision to pursue a STEM degree to participation in the program.

In 2015, she launched IDG Vision, which stands for Inspire-Develop-Grow, a boutique training and development firm focused on disrupting the systems that inhibit personal growth. Through IDG Vision, Dr. Andrea offers 1-on-1 Coaching, Mastermind Groups and facilitated workshops.

Dr. Andrea continues to impact diversity in the workplace by serving as the Director of Corporate Initiatives at the National Center for Women & IT (NCWIT).